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Terry pratchett Discworld novels Series 2 :5 books collection set

Original price was: $61.00.Current price is: $30.50.

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SKU: BF121744558389 Category:


Condition: BRAND NEW
Format: Paperback

Wyrd Sisters: (Discworld Novel 6)Three witches gathered on a lonely heath. A king cruelly murdered, his throne usurped by his ambitious cousin. A child heir and the crown of the kingdom, both missingWitches don’t have these kind of dynastic problems themselves in fact, they dont have leaders. Granny Weatherwax was the most highly-regarded of the leaders they didn’t have.Pyramids: (Discworld Novel 7)Wise words in all probability, but a tall order when, like Teppic, you have just become the pharaoh of a small and penniless country rather earlier than expected, and your treasury is unlikely to stretch to the building of a monumental pyramid to honour your dead father.Guards! Guards!: (Discworld Novel 8)Vimes ran a practised eye over the assortment before him. It was the usual Ankh-Morpork mob in times of crisis; half of them were here to complain, a quarter of them were here to watch the other half, and the remainder were here to rob, importune or sell hotdogs to the rest.Eric: Discworld: The Unseen University Collection: A Discworld Novel: 9Eric is the Discworld’s only demonology hacker. The trouble is, he’s not very good at it. All he wants is the usual three wishes: to be immortal, rule the world and have the most beautiful woman fall madly in love with him. The usual stuff.Moving Pictures: (Discworld Novel 10)Alchemists have always thought that they can change reality, shape it to their own purpose. Imagine then the damage that could be wrought on the Discworld if they get their hands on the ultimate alchemy: the invention of motion pictures, the greatest making of illusions.9780552166645 9780552166652 9780552166669 9781857989540 9780552166676
UNIT 41-C-2-02


Terry pratchett Discworld novels Series 2 :5 books collection set





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